Redefining Motherhood

The Redefining Motherhood Podcast is the ultimate destination for all moms out there who are navigating the challenging yet fulfilling journey of being a mother while pursuing professional goals. Hosted by Amanda Cahill, a seasoned business professional, mom, and advocate for living your best life, this podcast is designed to inspire, empower, and equip moms with the knowledge, insight, and support they need to thrive in both their roles as mothers and as successful businesswomen. Each week of the Redefining Motherhood Podcast features solo episodes, as well as intimate and candid conversations with remarkable guests from diverse industries and backgrounds. Gain strategic career advice, conquer challenges, reshape your perception of success, prioritize self-care, and cultivate high-performance habits to elevate your life. Whether you are an aspiring leader in your corporate career, a seasoned business owner or simply looking for inspiration to embrace your ambitious goals, this podcast is your go-to resource. Tune in to Redefining Motherhood and join a supportive community of like-minded women who understand the joys and challenges of being a working mom. Let’s embark on this journey together as we help you find confidence as a working mom. You can do hard things. You are not alone on this journey. Let’s lock arms and let’s redefine what it means to be a mother. Subscribe now and get ready to be inspired, motivated, and equipped to conquer your career and motherhood like the true mom boss you are!

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3 days ago

In this episode of Redefining Motherhood, I discuss the difference between motivation and discipline. For so long, I believed that my success was due to sheer motivation, but over time I realized the key was developing discipline.
I explain how discipline carries you through even on days when motivation is low. True discipline is doing what needs to get done whether you feel like it or not.
You’ll learn why committing to your goals and building supporting habits is so important for cultivating discipline. I discuss how consistency over a long period of time is what really builds your "discipline muscle". It's about showing up for yourself each day through discipline, not motivation alone. For anyone wanting to improve in certain areas of their life, I encourage identifying where more discipline is needed and deciding to commit fully.
I hope that you’ll walk away from this episode understanding that discipline is a skill that can be developed through daily effort, just like any other muscle to improve your own success and well-being.
Connect with Amanda:
IG: @amandacahill_
Follow @redefiningmotherhood

Thursday May 09, 2024

In this episode of Redefining Motherhood, I discuss the spousal guilt I've been feeling when traveling for work. As a working mom in a sales and business development role, I'm required to travel frequently which I used to enjoy before becoming a mom. Now that I have my son, I find myself feeling guilty for putting the single-parent workload on my husband while I'm away. While I don't mind leaving my son, I stress constantly about how my husband is handling everything alone.
I've tried setting a rule to only travel for 2 nights maximum but still struggle with enjoying myself on trips. After talking to my therapist, she suggested I have an open conversation with my husband about how he truly feels when I'm gone. I know communication is important, but finding the time can be challenging, especially for difficult conversations.
I want to enjoy my career while also prioritizing my family. After recording this episode, I'm motivated to talk to my husband to relieve some of the guilt I've been carrying. For any other working moms who can relate, don't be afraid to communicate with your partner or boss to find a better balance. I hope this episode helps you. Remember, together, let’s redefine what it means to be a mother.
Connect with Amanda:
IG: @amandacahill_
Follow @redefiningmotherhood

Thursday May 02, 2024

On this episode of Redefining Motherhood, I am excited to bring on Bridgitte Mallinson, the founder and CEO of GutPersonal, a company focused on improving women's gut health and overall wellness. I was eager to discuss Bridgitte's inspiring journey of overcoming lifelong gut issues and hormone imbalances through functional medicine.
She openly shares how her health journey led her to start GutPersonal to help millions of women feel their best. We explore Bridgitte's experience with postpartum depression and the identity shifts that occur with motherhood. Bridgitte also talks about the success of GutPersonal's prenatal vitamin and their focus on empowering ambitious women.
We offer valuable insights into balancing work and family life as working mothers. Together, we encourage mothers to prioritize self-care, especially with nutrition and supplements. Bridgitte's story is truly motivating for women on their health and career journeys.
Connect with Bridgitte:
Use Code: AMANDA10 at Checkout for a Discount!
IG: @gut.personal
IG @bridgittemalli
Connect with Amanda:
IG: @amandacahill_
Follow @redefiningmotherhood

Thursday Apr 25, 2024

In this episode of Redefining Motherhood, I share an update on my personal journey and the evolution of the podcast. Over the past year, I've experienced tremendous growth both personally and professionally. While the podcast originally aimed to share my struggles in postpartum and connect with other ambitious moms, I've come a long way since those early days. Now in a fulfilling executive role, I'm thriving in my career and constantly striving for self-improvement.
As my priorities have shifted to focus more on personal development, career advancement, and living a purpose-driven life, I've been evaluating how to align the podcast direction accordingly. I want to ensure I'm bringing my authentic self and providing the most value to listeners. To do so, I'm exploring potentially pivoting away from the motherhood focus or changing the name to better reflect a broader mission. I'm also seeking feedback to help guide this process.
Most importantly, I express my gratitude for this community and hope you'll continue the journey with me, no matter where it leads. While change is uncertain, my commitment to growth, honesty and empowering others remains. Thank you for being part of redefining what's possible - in my life and perhaps in yours too.
Connect with Amanda:
IG: @amandacahill_
Follow @redefiningmotherhood

Thursday Apr 18, 2024

Today on Redefining Motherhood, I am bringing you business and marketing mentor, Laura Sinclair. She shares how she has overcome many challenges on her journey from burnout in survival mode to successful multi-six-figure business owner.
We discussed the difficulties she faced balancing new motherhood with running her brick-and-mortar gym business. Laura offered insightful perspectives on embracing resilience during difficult times. She now helps other entrepreneurial moms through her coaching and community. It was inspiring to hear how Laura adapted her business during the pandemic and found a way to support her family. Her willingness to try new things and adapt to changes is something we can all learn from.
Whether you're an entrepreneurial mom or simply looking to better support yourself and your loved ones, I hope Laura's story provides you with helpful lessons on communication, resilience and personal growth. Be sure to follow Laura on social media and check out her website to learn more about her services supporting ambitious mothers in business. Thank you for listening!
Connect with Laura:
@itslaurasinclair - Business and Marketing Mentor
@thismothermeansbusiness - Podcast
@theljsocialagency - Social Media Agency
This Mother Means Business:
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Connect with Amanda:
IG: @amandacahill_
Follow @redefiningmotherhood

Thursday Apr 11, 2024

Welcome back to another episode of Redefining Motherhood! Today I'm sharing key leadership lessons I learned from successful female executives. At a recent industry event, I observed how these leaders empower others through recognition and opportunities.
One thing that stood out was their emphasis on giving kudos. By acknowledging people's contributions, they foster positive work environments where people can thrive. As one leader told me, "Recognition is so easy yet impactful for success." These women also ensure other females have seats at the table, trusting them with meaningful responsibilities. From my own experience, empowering others in this way allows them to grow into leaders themselves.
Another important point is leading by example both professionally and personally. Our actions influence others, so we must model work-life balance, integrity and compassion. As another executive advised, "Be aware that people are always watching”. If we each incorporate just one new habit, like offering more praise, we can create space for women everywhere to reach their full potential.
Thank you for listening! Please share any topics you'd like me to discuss further. And let me know if these leadership lessons are helpful to you in your own career journey.
Connect with Amanda:
IG: @amandacahill_
Follow @redefiningmotherhood

Thursday Apr 04, 2024

On this episode of Redefining Motherhood, I have my long-time friend, April Anderson joining me. April is a mom of two boys who is obsessed with being better today than she was yesterday. April opened up about her personal experiences with postpartum anxiety after the births of her sons, and I was moved by her willingness to share such a raw part of her journey to help other moms who may struggle with similar issues. She also bravely told the story of her son's medical issues as a baby, demonstrating her remarkable strength and resilience in the face of adversity.
April bravely opened up about the debilitating intrusive thoughts and physical sensations she dealt with in those early motherhood days. She vulnerably described being unable to leave the house or have others hold her baby due to the anxiety. It was inspiring to hear how she advocated for herself and sought help from professionals.
We discussed topics like the symptoms of postpartum anxiety, navigating the NICU as a new mom, and breathwork techniques for managing intrusive thoughts. April's positivity in overcoming such a challenging time provided hope and solidarity for other mothers struggling with their mental health.
I hope any listener experiencing postpartum anxiety or depression will find comfort and community through our heartfelt discussion. Please remember you are not alone, and just know that there is support available.
Connect with April:
Instagram: @prillydawn
Connect with Amanda:
IG: @amandacahill_
Follow @redefiningmotherhood

Tuesday Apr 02, 2024

In this episode of Redefining Motherhood, I discuss navigating ambition and work-life balance as a mother. A fellow community member reached out to me about the arguments her career ambitions spark with her husband, despite her desire to provide for her family. I believe open communication is key to addressing any pressure felt from partners regarding one's career goals. Effective communication is so important for having conversations that may be difficult.
It's also essential to share your long-term career vision and goals with your partner to gain their understanding and support. While having empathetic conversations where both parties feel heard, validating each other's feelings helps build connection and an understanding of each other's perspectives. Setting clear boundaries and expectations of mutual respect in the relationship supports maintaining a balanced work and home life.
My hope is that by sharing this message with you today, it can help alleviate any feelings of isolation you may have regarding your personal growth. As always, feel free to reach out with any thoughts on this topic, and remember, TOGETHER we're Redefine Motherhood.
Connect with Amanda:
IG: @amandacahill_
Follow @redefiningmotherhood

Thursday Mar 28, 2024

Hello everyone, it's Amanda here with another episode of Redefining Motherhood. Today I had the pleasure of chatting with Shannon Talbot, a certified health, life, and transformational coach who helps working professionals maximize their well-being and success.
Shannon shared her inspiring journey from being a stressed and overwhelmed parent in the corporate world to living a happier, healthier, and more fulfilled life through her coaching work. We discussed the importance of self-care, prioritizing our own needs, and ditching perfectionism. Shannon also gave valuable advice on redefining success beyond titles and money to include balance, happiness, and fulfillment.
A key takeaway from our conversation was the power of normalizing personal struggles in the workplace. Shannon encouraged women to be open about these personal experiences to find support. We also talked about overcoming limiting beliefs through self-reflection and coaching.
If you're feeling stuck or burned out, I hope Shannon's insights on stress management and living with intention encourage you. Be sure to check out her book Breaking Free in the show notes for more strategies on stopping self-limitation.
Connect with Shannon:
Breaking Free:
Connect with Amanda:
IG: @amandacahill_
Follow @redefiningmotherhood

Tuesday Mar 26, 2024

On this episode of Redefining Motherhood, I talk about stopping the harmful habit of comparison. I discuss how it's all too easy for mothers, myself included, to compare ourselves to others on social media or in our daily lives. But the truth is that no one has everything together perfectly, and we're all just doing our best.
I encourage listeners to embrace their own unique parenting styles instead of judging them against others. Whether your home is messy or tidy, what matters most is doing what works for your family, as I aim to do for mine. I also emphasize that our perceived strengths are someone else's struggle, so there's no point in any of us diminishing our own accomplishments.
Most importantly, I stress the importance of self-love and accepting ourselves as we are. By stopping comparison we can all find peace and empowerment from within instead of seeking validation externally, which is a lesson I continue striving to learn myself. This impactful episode provides the perfect reminder for all of us to appreciate our own journeys and value ourselves for who we are - not in comparison to others. It's a message of self-confidence, self-worth and unconditional self-acceptance that I hope will resonate with listeners as it does with me.
Connect with Amanda:
IG: @amandacahill_
Follow @redefiningmotherhood


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